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Human Resources

The Behavioral Sciences focus on people. Sometimes we take the customer point of view, and other times the employee well being point of view. 

Nowhere is employee well being more in focus than in the field of Human Resources. The Insight Company has researched and published several solution documents on subjects from employee onboarding to the annual review. 

Getting the Onboarding faze right is essential in more ways than one. Done right, a well designed process can lead to a massive reduction in turnover, training times, and low moral. It's nothing less than magic in that sense. 




Annual Reviews must be done, but they take a toll from everyone involved. They are a pain to the managers conducting them and often demoralizing to those being reviewed. Let's get rid of some of the pains shall we?

Sometimes a single poorly placed comment is enough to take the wind out of an employee's sales. How can a large organization make sure every employee feels they are valued by those above them? It's possible. Let's get it done. 





Companies often split their staff into smaller teams. It's great for productivity and moral, as long as it is done properly. Are your teams correctly structured? Do your personality types clash? Are meetings help efficiently? 

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